Sarah Buckley's profile

The Quirky Martini: 2010 to 2012

This collection is the story of how "The Quirky Martini" first began Fall 2010, and ends with its final developed ideas in Winter 2012. Enclosed are social media buttons, blog rebranding, color palettes, themes, and projected concepts.
Please enjoy.
With the creation of the blog, and absolutely no design skills whatsoever, I wanted to stick with a basic design that wouldn't require much maitenance. I was inspired by neutrals and clean lines--I was particularly inspired by the quote shown above, which was said by one of my close friends at the time.
The concept of the blog was to show college-aged girls that it was possible to not look as though they had just rolled out of bed while staying within budget.
By Winter 2011, I was ready for TQM to have more color; however, as I was just starting out, I was too enthused with bright colors, and inspired by the flamboyance of martinis. 
Another big lead was the name change from "@Phizzi" to "The Quirky Martini". Although I didn't drink at the time, I chose the name because the blog represented multiple compartments of my life jumbled together.
The Hepburn Project was a full concpet that I created and undertook within the duration of Spring Break. It was (clearly) inspired by the classiness and simplicity of Audrey Hepburn. Each section was broken into self-help manuals for the "20-something Audrey in a Modern world". I wanted to help bring college students back toward the simplicity of life while still embracing how drastically and quickly the changes in the world.
Further inspired by Audrey Hepburn, I stripped down the whole design that I originally had and created a more simple one. Gone was the image of a blue martini, and in its place was a clean minimalist-style blog that moved towards more lifestyle topics, versus mainly fashion ones. I began to write and respond more to topics that spoke to me, instead of trying to follow the trends... This was the key time when I began to collect a higher amount of UMVs.
In its final stage, The Quirky Martini was exactly what I wanted it to be: ladylike with a hint of snarkiness, and in search of what happiness meant. Inspired by my recent summer stay in New York for an internship, I became even more laid back and focused on what I valued as an individual, over what others valued as part of the flock.
For the final logo in the rebranding process, I wanted to play with not only typography (as I was taking a typography course at the time), but also about placing text and images in abstract ways. I felt as though the final look was modern and sleek with an indiviual punch (the gutsy pink) stamped proudly right across the front. The martini glass also returned, as I was finally legal--I felt as though it was a small coming of age moment that I could share with not only my readers, but also my fellow bloggers.
The Quirky Martini: 2010 to 2012

The Quirky Martini: 2010 to 2012

The story behind my branding, and then rebranding, of "The Quirky Martini", when I was still a blogger.
