1 point perspective "Elipse" study
1 point perspective study
2 point perspective study
3 point perspective drawing. ( The original criteria for the drawing was for us to draw a 3 point perspective design of both "Bird's eye" and "Worm's eye" view on separate pages. I decided early on to draw both perspectives on the same paper to give the entire drawing a more intense and interesting look. My improvisation received very high marks from the instructor.)
Close up or the "Worm's eye view" portion
Close up of the "Bird's eye view" portion
"On The Corner of 2-Point and Perspective St." This was a simple drawing intended to show our grasp of drawing in 2-point Perspective. I feel the final product was very well done. Since this drawing was done a few years ago, I can honestly say my lettering has improved greatly since.
2-Point Perspective interior drawing
2-Point Perspective interior drawing (2)
2-Point Perspective interior drawing (3)
2-Point Perspective interior drawing (final product) My opinion of this drawing is that it turned out well considering I was very inexperienced with shading and drawing human subjects. The Pespective portion of the drawing as well as the placement of the items within the room turned out very well however.
2-Point Perspective interior drawing (final product 2)
3-Point Perspective study (I feel this is a very amateur piece and is in need of obvious improvement. I am happy with how it came out because the final product helped me to gauge the areas I need to focus on more and grow more efficient in.)
3-Point Perspective study (2)
3-Point Perspective Final Project. (I am very proud of this drawing because I found a way to take my idea on the previously mentioned 3-Point study and incorporate both Bird's Eye and Worm's Eye perspectives in one drawing. The creativity I was able to express was very well recieved by both the instructor and the class.)
3-Point Perspective Final Project close up
3-Point Perspective Final Project close up (2)
3-Point Perspective Final Project close up (3)


These are the Drawings from my Perspective class. These drawings were done several years ago. There are some aspects that I have since grown more Read More
