P U B L I C A T I O N   D E S I G N   |   C O N T E N T    C U R A T I O N

As the Art Director at DESTINATIONS, a multimedia platform promoting tourism in Pakistan, I undertook a wide range of responsibilities. The theme of DESTINATIONS revolved around showcasing the captivating tourism destinations within Pakistan

One of my key projects at DESTINATIONS was The Great North, a compilation of carefully curated articles that highlighted the northern areas of Pakistan. As part of this project, I took on multiple roles, including content creation, layout design, and even contributing my own photography and writing an article for the compendium.

Content curation, in this context, involved extensive research and meticulous design. I also had the privilege of personally traveling to select destinations, enhancing the authenticity and depth of the curated content. This allowed me to effectively convey the essence of each location.

I also designed a map showcasing the vast geography of the northern areas, clarifying the locations of tourist destinations for average Pakistani travelers. Contrary to popular belief, these destinations are not connected by a single road but require traversing multiple valleys and passes. The map visually depicted the road networks and valley locations, while highlighting the most important tourist spots. 

To capture the grandeur and uniqueness of the region, I coined the name "The Great North," reflecting its immense size and diverse cultures that live within each valley.

The Grid
Take a look at the captivating look & feel of the magazine's designs.

I'm thrilled to share a recently published co-written article that showcases the captivating design featured in the images below. This article is part of a larger project called Shimshal Deor, which plays a significant role in the overall initiative known as the Great North. Throughout this project, I conducted on-ground research, collaborated on an introductory video capturing the essence of the valley, curated compelling stories, and created engaging content for the brand's digital products.


The accompanying video premiered at the prestigious Lahore Literary Festival 2023. To delve deeper into the subject and experience the full journey, I invite you to watch the video by following the provided link

Thank you for your time
The Great North


The Great North
