Located in the Province of Siena, Radicondoli is an Italian commune in Tuscany. It is a beautiful hilltop town, surrounded by trees and wildlife. In recent years, the economy has dwindled and the city is sparsely populated with the youth moving to bigger cities to look for work. Radicondoli is unique for their use of alternative energy such as geothermal, which is generated from the heat of the earth. Like many alternative energies, geothermal is clean, renewable, and sustainable.  
Create an infographic poster informing the viewer of the benefits of geothermal energy and the use of alternative energy sources. Develop a branding system for the museum to use on postcards, receipts, and miscellaneous items such as mugs and pins for museum patrons and guests. Design a brochure to enlighten visitors about the practicality of geothermal energy.
San Diego City College Graphic Design adopted the Italian village and skyped with city officials and townspeople to re-brand the village. To grab attention and visitors to the city’s Geothermal Museum I created a playful poster that juxtaposes the familiar in and unfamiliar setting combining a light bulb and globe. The flip side of the poster features an infographic showcasing the benefits of geothermal energy.  The colors maroon and gold are used throughout the design to promote the rich culture of Italy. Museum patrons are given the option to request an email or printed receipt on recycled paper and round up their purchases to the nearest amount in support of geothermal education and outreach.
museum brochure
front of museum poster
back of museum poster


Geothermal Energy Museum
