The Ursus Knife is a cosmetic knife from Counter-Strike: Global Offensive added as part of the August 3, 2018 update along with the Navaja Knife, Stiletto Knife and Talon Knife.
                                               PARACORD KNIFE
This fixed-blade survival knife is designed to withstand being used as both a weapon and a tool, such as for setting traps, hunting animals or cutting foliage. The handle is wrapped in a length of multi-purpose paracord.
A knife bayonet is a knife which can be used both as a bayonet, combat knife, or utility knife. The knife bayonet became the almost universal form of bayonet in the 20th century due to its versatility and effectiveness. Spike bayonets proved useless when separated from the rifle and useless in trench warfare; and while versatile, sword bayonets proved to be impractical weapons in trench warfare because of their length.
The early history of the Bowie knife is complicated by murky definitions, limited supporting documentation, and conflicting claims. The Bowie knife is not well defined. By the mid-20th century most included some combination of blade length and blade shape. In the mid-19th century, when the popularity of the knife was at its peak, the term was applied to a wide range of blades.
A falchion had a lower quality and status than the longer, more expensive swords, as almost none of them survive today. Falchions are sometimes misunderstood and thought of as being similar to machetes; however, the ancient falchions that have been discovered are very thin and on average, lighter than a double-edged blade.
Knife Project

Knife Project
