Music Catalogue
For this assignment we were told to pick a musical artist of our choice and make a creative music catalogue with an art style of our choice as long as it was before the 1970s.
The artist I chose was Kid Cudi and the style I chose was 1960s psychedelic posters. Now the typical music catalogue is a short and very wide book however with the style of design I chose I didn't believe that it would look its best in that format so instead I made it in the format of a middle folding calendar. By making it fold up and down with an open size of 11x17 I could make each turn of a page be a new poster that would successfully look like the 60's style posters and convey the information you may see in a music catalogue.

Above you will see a few of the pages mocked up, unfortunately I was unable to find a mockup that exactly fit the middle fold calendar that I initially envisioned but the designs are still portrayed well. On the left side you will see the cover and back of the catalogue, I wanted the cover to work with the back so it would still be understood while closed but would also make an interesting poster when open and turned around. In the middle you will will my favorite spread of the project which is the discography, and on the right is simply a spread with the lyrics of one of Kid Cudis more well know songs The Pursuit of Happiness.  
As part of the project we had to make two spreads of turn pages that would be after the cover and before the back of the catalogue and they are shown above, they still fit the style of 1960's psychedelic posters but are simple enough to not take too much of the viewers time as turn pages.
Above you will see three more spreads of the project, the left being simple with Kid Cudi and his legal name, The middle is another spread with the lyrics of one of his other well known songs Mr.Rager, and the right is a text heavy spread of the track list of his first big album A Kid Named Cudi.
Musical Catalogue

Musical Catalogue
