High Court Writ of Control | The Solution for Commercial Rent Recovery
If you’re a troubled commercial landlord whose tenants have fallen behind in rent you have two options to recover what’s owed to you. The first option available is CRAR (commercial rent arrears recovery) – here you can instruct a certified enforcement agent to enter the tenant’s property and seize the goods. A court order is not required for the CRAR process.
While CRAR is faster than getting a judgment and transferring it to the High Court for enforcement, there are several reasons why this may be the best alternative in some cases:
The certificated enforcement agent is only allowed to take possession of goods at the property in question (the ‘demised’ premises) under CRAR. There may be nothing to seize that belongs to the tenants if there are no products, assets, or stock on the premises. If the renters’ belongings are located elsewhere, the notice of enforcement might be issued to the other address with a judgment.
If the tenants have left the property, CRAR may not be used so a judgment would be required
CRAR only covers rent, not insurance or service charges. If these form a sizeable sum, they can be recovered via a judgment
The second option to recover your outstanding rent is forfeiture of the lease.
Forfeiture of Lease allows the landlord to make a peaceable re-entry into the property without notice to the tenant. If the rent payment is late for a set amount of time – usually 21 days – the tenancy contract usually allows the landlord, the authority to re-enter and forfeit the lease (or the period specified in the lease). Due to COVID, the government has put a hold on lease forfeiture for rent arrears from March 26, 2020, to March 25, 2022. (following the most recent extension).
Once the landlord has obtained the judgment, he can take it to the High Court to seek a writ of control (previously known as a writ of fieri facias or fi-fa) that will allow a High Court Enforcement Officer to enforce it (HCEO).
If the landlord has to reclaim the property as well as recoup rent arrears, a combined writ of control and possession might save him time and money. The HCEO will be able to enforce both at the same time, resulting in a successful repossession and, if sufficient assets are seized, the recovery of their rent arrears.
There is another option if money is owed – High Court Enforcement
Enforcing the money owed for the rent with a High Court Writ
Enforcement agents are limited to the demised premises when enforcing for the money of overdue rent under Commercial Rent Arrears Recovery (CRAR) (the property that the rent was due). Our High Court Enforcement Agents can go to any property in England and Wales where the debtor is trading or lives to pursue the debt with a High Court Writ of Control.
Due to COVID, Landlords have been restricted from pursuing unpaid rent under CRAR; now, the rent must be 554 days or more past due to be enforced until March 25, 2022. You can, however, petition for a Country Court Order for the money owed, which we can then transfer to High Court for you and deploy our High Court Enforcement Agents to collect. The debtor and any guarantees can be specified on the court application for enforcement.
We instruct the debtor to pay our fees, therefore there are usually no enforcement fees for you. Although you will be required to pay court fees in order to get court orders, these fees will be added to the debt for collection purposes.
When the tenant has left the rental home, this is also a viable option for landlords.
If you believe this is the right course of action for you, please view our client pamphlet, ‘Obtaining a CCJ and High Court Writ for Unpaid Money,’ for more information. Every step of the process, we can assist you.
We understand the situation for landlords in the UK is not very pleasant. But with friends like Shergroup there is no need for them to feel gloomy but hope for the best. Most of the Covid restrictions in the property sector have been revoked by the government and now the landlords can take a sigh of relief. If you find yourself in a similar situation you can get in touch with Shergroup.
We have a passionate team where every team member will help you with personalised solutions for your situation.
Visit our property solutions on our website https://shergroup.com/property-solutions/ and select the solution which you think is suitable for you and make a purchase.
Or you can call us, and we will guide you with a way forward.
You can reach us |
By Phone | 020 3588 4240
Website | www.shergroup.com and you can chat to us from here
Email | hub@shergroup.com
What is Google Search Console?

Google processes more than five billion queries in a single day. Even though your website won’t show up in every internet search, it’s crucial to monitor its position and performance in searches that are important to your company’s success. Monitoring your performance on Google is simple (and cost-free) with Google Search Console.
One of the strongest and most effective SEO tools available is Google Search Console. However, the majority of people only ever use it to check Vanity Metrics like Clicks and Impressions.
Learn more about Google Search Console and how it can help your site perform better in searches.
What is Google Search Console?
Publishers and search marketing experts can monitor their site’s general health and performance in relation to Google search using Google Search Console, a free web tool offered by Google.
It provides a summary of indicators relating to user experience and searches performance to assist publishers in enhancing their websites and boosting traffic.
Google can also inform via Search Console when it finds security flaws (such as hacking vulnerabilities) or when a manual action penalty has been applied by the search quality team.
Important features:
Monitor indexing and crawling.
Identify and fix errors.
Overview of search performance.
Request indexing of updated pages.
Review internal and external links.
Neither using Search Console is required nor is it a ranking element for improving rankings.
However, the Search Console’s value makes it essential for enhancing search performance and increasing website traffic.
What is Google Search Console used for?
Google Search Console helps you |
Confirm that Google can find, crawl, and index your site
Request that Google crawl and re-index your website or a specific page
Troubleshoot common issues, like mobile-friendliness and Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)
Review security issues, manual site actions, and more
Discover which websites link to yours
See how often your site appears in Google search results
Check which searches or search results include your website
View which search results drive traffic to your site
A business owner might use Google Search Console, for instance, to check that Google is aware of its website’s existence and to monitor how well it performs in search results. In contrast, an SEO expert may examine those elements as well as fix crawling and indexing problems, examine backlink profiles, and more.
Anyone can use Google Search Console, which is a benefit. Google created the platform to accommodate users of many backgrounds and skill sets. That means you can utilise Google Search Console and benefit from it whether you’re an SEO expert, a web developer, or a business owner.
How to set up Google Search Console?
Set up Google Search Console in five easy steps!
1. Log in to Google Search Console
You can use Google Search Console for your business once you log in to the system.
If you already have a Google or Gmail account, Google will log you in for you. Depending on your business, you might want different people to have access to your Google Search Console data.
If so, you can later add team members as owners or users to your website. You may also define different permission levels in order to meet the needs and level of experience of each individual.
2. Select your property type
Next, you need to choose your property type. You can choose from the two following options:
The domain property type will include both the HTTP and HTTPS protocol for your website, as well as all subdomains, like “www.” This property type offers the most convenient option because it recognizes multiple versions of your website. As an example, Google Search Console will see the following URLs as matching:
If you select the domain property type, you will need to confirm ownership with a DNS record
URL prefix
Only URLs that fall under the given address and protocol are included in the URL prefix property type. This indicates that Google Search Console will not associate “http://www.example.com” or “example.com” with your URL if you input “https://www.example.com” instead. If you use the URL prefix property type, there are several ways to confirm your ownership, including |
Uploading an HTML file to your site
Adding an HTML tag to a specific page
Using your Google Analytics tracking code or Google Tag Manager container snippet
Your business may like the Google Search Console URL prefix property type since it enables you to monitor and track various site segments, depending on your digital marketing plan. You might wish to monitor the performance of your mobile site separately, for instance, if you have one.
3. Verify your property
Verifying site ownership is required when you choose your property type and provide your URL. Depending on the nature of your property, which is broken down in this useful table, your verification technique will be:
Refer to Google’s troubleshooting page if you have any issues when confirming site ownership. It’s crucial to note that your verification method must continue to be valid and operational.
You cannot remove an HTML tag or a DNS record that you added after receiving verification, for instance. Your verification method will be routinely checked by Google Search Console, so that data needs to be available.
4. View your property
Once your ownership of the property has been established, you can use Google Search Console.
You can switch between properties using the procedures below if your business adds numerous properties:
Select the hamburger menu on the left-hand side
Choose the drop-down menu next to your URL
Pick your property
Depending on how quickly the verification process can be completed, your property may already have some data. This is due to the fact that Google Search Console starts gathering data as soon as you add the property rather than after you finish the verification process. In the absence of any data, spend some time investigating Google Search Console.
5. Access your reports
In Google Search Console, your team can access a wide range of features and reports, including:
Get a brief description of your property or website. The Google Search Console Overview report includes information on indexed pages, total website clicks, and manual actions. It’s a great tool for quickly identifying significant flaws and assessing the general functionality of your website.
Use the Performance report to thoroughly examine your website’s performance. Your site’s total number of impressions and clicks, average click-through rate (CTR), and position in search results are all covered in your Google Search Console Performance report. It also emphasises user inquiries, devices, locations, and other things.
URL Inspection
With your URL Inspection report, you can find out what Google knows about your website and particular pages. Verify whether Google has indexed the page. Additionally, you can uncover HTML, JavaScript, and mobile usability flaws, which you can report to your development team.
You can view the following reports on Google Search Console in addition to these three primary ones |
Coverage | Confirm the index status of your website and its pages with your Coverage report.
Sitemaps | Submit and review uploaded sitemaps, as well as any sitemap errors.
Mobile Usability | Check the mobile-friendliness of your indexed pages.
AMP | Learn which AMP pages Google can and can’t index.
Rich Result Status | Find crawlable and uncrawlable rich results on your pages.
Manual Actions | Get a summary of manual actions against your site and potential fixes.
Security Issues | Review any security issues on your site or pages.
Link | View links to your site and specific pages, as well as the link anchor text.
The majority of reports in Google Search Console can be exported if you want to gather data elsewhere.
What does Google Search Console do for my business?
Discover how to use Google Search Console for your company now that you understand how to set it up. There are several things you can do with Google Search Console, including |
Confirm page crawling and indexing
Spot errors, like incorrect structured data, mobile display issues, slow page speed, and more
Find queries that drive traffic to a page
Monitor page appearances and positions in different search results
Watch for site security issues
Compare page performance over time
And more
Performing daily the many reports, such as Performance and Mobile, to investigate the capabilities and applications of Google Search Console right away!
The effective and free Google Search Console tool provides a wealth of information and insights about your website. But since SEO is a multiplayer game rather than a single-player game, it is its main drawback.
Competing with other websites for the top place when ranking in Google. You can’t know where you fall short or what to do to raise your ranks if you don’t comprehend the competitive environment. If you want to dive deeper into it and use digital marketing solutions to help you grow your business, you can contact Shergroup. We have a team of skilled digital marketers who will be happy to help you and put you ahead of the curve. You can start by getting a free digital audit done for your website it will put things into perspective for you. Call our business solutions advisors to know more about how we can help you.
Contact us on
You can reach us |
By Phone | 0845 890 9200
Website | www.shergroup.com and you can chat to us from here
Email | hub@shergroup.com





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