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Screen Printing Project

[[[| T-Shirt Print Design Project! |]]]
The goal for this project was to design a shirt graphic in Adobe Illustrator (due to it's usage of vector shapes) using mainly text. I formed mine around the classic internet phrase "Error Page 404 Not Found." And used only one color, black, on a white t-shirt.
404 - Caption Not Found.
My initial sketches, paired with a few other ides that I thought up but decided not to do. My chosen type was obviously the one I put the most thought into.
As I always do, I begin this project with sketching out my ideas. I do admit I had trouble coming up with more lines that sounded interesting and usable to me, so I invested most of my time and thought into the one I already had.
Then, after my ideation process, I created my design in Adobe Illustrator, using one color, black. I planned for my shirt to be white to complete the design. The black had to be pure, 100% black, eliminating magenta and other shades of other colors.
The printout of my design.

After getting my design printed out, I was ready to apply emulsion to a screen, and did so. After drying it out and exposing it to light, I was able to wash it out, seen on the image on the right.
The next day, once a station was open in the side room, I was able to print out my design.
The station was a bit wobbly due to me having to extend the platform by a significant amount to get my shirt(s) to match up.
Instead of the planned black, I instead decided to use a very dark blue. You can see on the image in the middle that it was kind of chunky when I applied it.
In the end, I made two shirts, and neither were exactly perfect by my standards. The first got way too much ink onto the shirt, while the second had issues fully filling in on the top right. Both problems can easily be caught in the photo. If I were to go through this project again, I would most likely change something during this point of the screen-printing process.
After this, I returned to the washing station, and used the pressure washer to clean off the emulsion and leftover paint, which took much longer than it should've since I forgot to fully turn on the pressure washer.
Screen Printing Project

Screen Printing Project
