Olia Malish 🇺🇦's profile

Illustration | Poster Design for Ukrainian Festival

Introducing my latest poster design, created for the Ukrainian Winter Festival - a charity party dedicated to showcasing Ukrainian winter traditions and fundraising.

In Ukraine, the winter season is a time for celebrating, family, friends, and faith. One beloved tradition is caroling, where groups of singers go door-to-door, and spreading holiday cheer. This poster captures the spirit of that tradition, reminding us to come together and support each other during difficult times. As Ukrainians, we've had to face a lot of challenges in recent times, but through our strength and determination, we continue to unite.

The poster features a charming illustration of children dressed up, holding a large star inside a Christmas bulb while singing carols. The drawing reflects one of the most cherished Ukrainian traditions of celebrating the winter season. Ukrainians celebrate the winter holidays with festive gatherings and singing carols, which brings a sense of community and joy. The chalky font and cozy drawing style make it feel warm and welcoming, evoking a sense of home and community, reminiscent of the Ukrainian home.

The Ukrainian charity parties is a chance for people in Tokyo, Japan, to experience the warmth and hospitality of Ukrainian culture, while also contributing to a worthy cause. These parties are held approximately once every three months, and feature traditional food, music, and dance.
By attending the charity party and supporting our cause, you'll help us to make a positive difference in the lives of people affected by the ongoing war in Ukraine. I call upon everyone to donate and support Ukraine in any way possible. Every contribution counts towards helping our people in need. Let's stand together, be united, and show the world our strength and resilience.
Illustration | Poster Design for Ukrainian Festival


Illustration | Poster Design for Ukrainian Festival
