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The Roman Republic became the Roman Empire in 27 BCE when Julius Caesar’s adopted son, best known as Augustus, became the ruler of Rome. Augustus established an autocratic form of government, where he was the sole ruler and made all important decisions. Although we refer to him as Rome’s first emperor, Augustus never took the title of king or emperor, nor did his successors; they preferred to call themselves princeps, first citizen, or primus inter pares, first among peers. This choice of title maintained the appearance of limited power that had been so important under the Republic.
Under the empire, Roman currency was not just an economic tool; it was a political tool, as well. Julius Caesar, Augustus’s adopted father, had been the first Roman to put his own portrait on coins, and Augustus continued this practice. Prior to Caesar, only dead Romans or gods were shown on coins. Placing the current emperor’s portrait on coins reinforced the connection between economic power and the emperor, and also helped to shape the popular image of the emperor among the Roman people. Emperors would also use imagery on coins to popularize other family members, political allies, and especially their chosen heirs.
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logo, brand, Roman Empire

logo, brand, Roman Empire
