Anđela Bošković's profile

Author's exhibition for human rights "Slojevi"

Author's exhibition for human rights
"Slojevi" 2023
In the "Multimedia studio" class, I was assigned to create material for an imaginary exhibition about human rights. The main focus of the exhibition "Slojevi" is the Black community (Black Rights Matter movement), the LGBTQ+ community, and Women in Iran (Women's rights). The exhibition would contain illustrations, digital paintings, and animations. The style of artworks are inspired by old prints and protest panels. All artworks have a double meaning which is the reason why the exhibition is called "Slojevi" (Layers in Serbian). The main goal of the exhibition is to spread awareness about communities and the difficulties they face every day.
"My skin color is not your comedy", "My sexuality is not an illness", and "My hair is not my punishment" (Illustrations text in English from left to right)
"My skin color is not your threat", "My sexuality is not transient", "My hair is not the reason for the violence" (Digital Paintings text in English left to right)
Animations representing violence against communities
Promotional posters for the exhibition
Promotional billboard for the exhibition
Promotional video for the exhibition
Author's exhibition for human rights "Slojevi"


Author's exhibition for human rights "Slojevi"
