Oo. 3 Studio's profile

“鲜奶复古潮”|Packaging Design.2023


"Fresh Milk Retro Trend", in the process of creation, we try to break the usual design thinking of FMCG packaging, jump out of the frame of appetite, and explore more visual presentation possibilities from another Angle. Inspired by the commercial market in the 80s and 90s, it abandons flashy design elements and only focuses on presenting product value, which is plain and simple but gives people a real feeling.
Visual to fresh milk alpine origin and product advantages as the main information presented. Bright colors effectively focus the eyes of consumers, plain and simple to convey the value of the product.

Item type_Packaging.    
art director_麻鴉Mayaya.

“鲜奶复古潮”|Packaging Design.2023

“鲜奶复古潮”|Packaging Design.2023
