About proyect
For years, certain norms and stereotypes have been established in society. 
Within the expected traits, women are supposed to look feminine and delicate, while men are supposed to look strong, muscular and aggressive.Can you understand what certain people feel when we are looked down upon or mocked for the simple fact of wanting to be ourselves? Have you gone through this at some point? Maybe yes, maybe no, but what is very clear is that this happens on a daily basis. 
I come from a country with a totally conservative society, where I grew up in an environment where it was not okay to be myself, I felt oppressed and I needed to be able to express what it would be like to break those barriers. This is what motivated me to do this project.
The goal is the power of expression from honesty, without having to comply with the limiting parameters imposed on us by society and its culture. To show how we really are without being afraid of what people will say. To break with the established, to break the rules, because no one should impose how we should look, what we should wear and who we should like.

Art Direction: Cintya Fernández
Photographer: Cintya Fernández
Stylist: Esther Cano
Photographer Assitant: Carlos Galeno
Coordination:Ljubica Terlevich
Videographer: Iñaki Urchaga



