| ˈmaɡnətɪz(ə)m | noun
 :a physical phenomenon produced by the motion of electric charge, which results in attractive and repulsive forces between objects.

"We are whirling through endless space at an inconceivable speed. Everything is spinning. Everywhere there is energy."
Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla was a man who had devoted himself to understanding the entirety of concepts rather than just considering science as a means for profit. He was never satisfied with the purely functional and practical approach to science and hoped to understand the bigger picture. Unfortunately, this resulted him to be in poverty by the time he died. 

However, his obsessive curiosity to life has given us a far better understanding of the many enigmatic concepts that exist, one of the most important ones being: Magnetism. 

Tesla represents the curious part of us.
The part of us that isn't driven by money, but instead driven by the need to understand the reasoning behind phenomena.

10 Bedford Street, London | 2023 



