Yonaz Kristy's profile

A Few in Many Places

A Few In Many Places, a group show which consists of five artist interventions in five cities, hyper-localized and globally interconnected. These artists: Abbas Akhavan in Montreal; Burak Delier in Istanbul; Michelle Lopez in Philadelphia; Stéphanie Saadé in Beirut; and Hasan Özgür Top in Berlin; each address inherited cycles of violence, the breaking of these cycles and rebuilding of ideally healthier systems.

A Few In Many Places commissioned works are interventions in a local shop or empty space in the artists’ neighborhoods that will be open in or out of quarantine, using low material consumption, without flights or shipping. All of these works are linked by ProtoZine, with texts rolling out over the run of the show by: Fawz Fabra, Adam Kleinman, Asli Seven, Abhijan Toto and İpek Ulusoy Akgül.
A Few in Many Places


A Few in Many Places
