The goal of this project was really to make 12 different icons that had distinct feels but also felt cohesive or like they could be sharing the same space. When I started out sketching I thought that I might go with a breakfast theme because there's so many different things that could be included in a breakfast. However, I was struggling to find a way to make them all cohesive and make them feel like they belonged together. That's when I realized I had a bunch of different toast drawn and as I started to research different types of toast I realized that there was way more than 12. 

I learned a lot through this project and was able to continue to improve my skills in illustrator and my skills as a designer, As you can see from the first toast i created(the butter), to the very last (avocado) my skills and proficiencies in illustrator have improved a lot and I am now able to feel like I am truly designing something special. 

In the end I'm really happy with how these turned out. Even though it felt like an uphill battle sometimes I'm glad that I kept pushing through and was able to create some iconic pieces of toast. I hope you enjoy!

Rough Sketches
Toasty Toast


Toasty Toast
