During the epidemic, everything in the world can change dramatically in a short period of time. Before the fifth wave, we all had a near-normal life like the resumptions of face-to-face classes and large scale events. Unfortunately, this situation only lasted for a few months and we shortly suffer from the pandemic again. Measures like switching back to online classes, no dine-in after 6 pm and suspension of swarm activities are introduced one after another. In addition, the daily number of confirmed cases dramatically has risen from hundreds to tens of thousands and the streets have become riskier. Under such circumstances, all my plans have been messed up no matter academically or outside the class. At the same time, I undoubtedly have a feeling of being lost as I have been in a state of instability in my university life, and everything is unpredictable. For example, it is unimaginable that I could dine in yesterday but I cannot do so today. In the face of the fifth wave, many things are unknown. No one knows what will happen tomorrow and whether there will be a sixth, seventh or eighth wave in the future. All of this is like fog, thickly covering the entire city. Because of this, I start to lose my direction and do not know where to go.


