Lynelle De Jesus's profile

Lyrics interpretation

Love It If We Made It
A group that inspires me is The 1975. The 1975 is a British pop rock band that was formed in 2002. The band produces songs that are mainly listened to by teenagers of our generation. Their songs are relatable teenagers as they can go from songs about growing up to songs about breaking up. The 1975 songs are heavily inspired by their main lyricist which is also their lead singer, Matthew Healy, writes most of their songs basing on a phase that someone goes through, what happens in our world today or songs about his
own experiences.
My interpretation of the core messages of this creative masterwork is that it's a protest song. The illustration doodle is filled with anger just like the song. I wanted to make it loud and straight forward just like the song. Hence, keeping to the colours of black and white. A lot of issues about our world today has been put in the masterwork. I have sketched them to keep the theme of the graphic illustration. I put things that are take to represent the take news that we often hear, take news that spread around fast. I put hurtful words and statements to show the pain that people are feeling when they go through tough challenges. I put things that we all want to stop one day as these issues are slowly hurting our future. Competitions that there should not be because there is no better gender. no better race or no better country. Everyone is equal. I wanted to portray that despite these challenges we face, we are all strong, We all can help each other about educating ourselves about the world problems today. How we can help by voicing out and fighting tor the right thing.
Lyrics interpretation


Lyrics interpretation
