Mirna Saafan's profile

The Concept Store

The Concept Store
Location: Rivulet Mall, Sheikh Zayed, Cairo
Project Assigned by: Segments Architects
Year: 2021
Located at Rivulet Mall in Sheikh Zayed, The Concept Store hosts a variety of brands providing a canvas for display. The challenge posed in this space was hosting a wide range of products while maintaining a coherent yet interesting visual identity throughout.
Having fluid forms, the architecture of the space unfolds to a journey from start to end, where forms are playful and inviting and the designated displays mimic said geometry. A curving partition wall travels throughout the space, defining and creating zones in its wake, outlining the journey one takes from start to end. A strip at eye level is subtracted from said mass so as not to create a visual obstruction but to maintain the visual connectivity and continuity and always offering a little tease of what's to come. The wall is painted a darker shade that outer perimeter walls for emphasis on the journey.
It was always crucial to have art wherever one’s eye shall travel, to give life and soul to the space, hence the suspended partitions where local art is hung up for display, the sculptural brass backdrop to the flower shop, even the furniture setups which are meant to be for sale and ever changing, always adding something new to the space. 
Wooden flooring was picked for a more homey and less intimidating feel. A marble floor is picked for the last zone leading onto the clinic for a more luxurious feel and for ensuring that the clinic feels as an extension rather than an add-on. To add yet an element of playfulness, a wooden podium taking after the geometry of the space serves as an area of social interaction where people could simply order a cup of coffee and enjoy themselves. 
The Concept Store

The Concept Store
