Elements of Design
There are many different elements that make up the design of a product or website. Some of these elements are line, value, shape, form, point, color, and texture.
In design, line is one of the most important elements. It's often the first thing that people notice about a design, and it can define how the design looks and how it functions. A line can be horizontal, vertical, curved, thick, thin, or straight.
Value refers to the lightness or darkness of a color. Lighter colors have a lighter value and darker colors have a darker value.
Shape refers to the actual physical shape of the element.
Form refers to the way an element looks when its two-dimensional properties are taken into account.
Point refers to an area of high detail that is considered the focal point of the design.
Color is an important aspect of a design because it affects the mood and atmosphere of the design. The meaning behind each color should be carefully considered when building a color palette for a design.
Texture refers to the surface appearance of a shape. This element plays an important role in how an object looks and feels.
Near and far space are also important elements of design. They refer to the way that objects are arranged in relation to each other and how that affects the overall design.

Principles of design

Design is more than just putting together a pretty picture. It's about creating a functional and meaningful piece that meets the needs of its users.
That's why it's important to use principles of design when creating your projects. These are seven key concepts that guide designers as they create their designs, and can help you make your projects more visually appealing and functional.
1. Balance
Balance is a visual principle that helps create a pleasing sense of stability. The elements of your design need to work together to create a feeling of equilibrium.
2. Contrast
Contrast is the contrast between two objects or areas in your composition. This contrast can be the difference between light and dark colors, or it can be the contrast between an object and its background.
3. Movement
Movement refers to how something moves over time. Different elements in a composition can move in different directions, giving the viewer a sense of movement as they move their eyes around the piece.
4. Proportion
Proportion is the relationship between two or more elements in a design. Elements that are too large or small may disrupt the overall balance of the composition and make it harder for the viewer to understand what they're looking at.
5. Rhythm
Rhythm refers to the repetitive patterns of movement and color used in your composition. These patterns can create an overall feeling of movement and motion in your work, helping to draw the viewer's eye through the design.
6. Unity
Unity refers to the sense of connection or similarity between the various design elements of your composition. This unity of purpose can help create a sense of order and clarity in your work.
7. Variety
Variety refers to the different types of elements used throughout your composition. This includes different kinds of shapes, sizes, textures, and colors that are used to create an interesting and visually stimulating work
This is a self portrait using the Rectangle tool in Adobe Illustrator. I think this was at least 20 squares at the time.
Color Theory Poster
In this project, I explain color theory while attempting to create an illusionary map.
I placed my color harmonies on the "Earth", my Color meanings on the "Moon" and created a simulation of a stairway to the cosmos.
I've been in an orbital mood this semester.
Candy!!! Dingbat Repeating Patterns
I had fun putting candy together. There's a secret code in each one.
Also making use of Color theory in each column.
Monochromatic is my favorite.
Graphic Design


Graphic Design
