Resie Laro-Breeschoten's profile

Paintings Oil/Acrylic and Pastel

Painting in Oil, Acrylic and Pastel

Art is not about thinking but getting something done. As a painter I often begin with a plan (thinking), but that plan is soon surrendered to the painting's own plan. This is often expressed as "the brush takes the next stroke".

Art is an act of tuning into moments of clear inspiration that requires me to move into them on faith.
I believe it is attached to me own personal growth. Looking back at the Art and progress I made during the years, I think that the following frase by Shakti Gawain is the most suitable:

"We will discover the nature of our particular genius when we stop trying to conform to our own and other peoples' models, learn to be ourselves, and allow our natural creative channel to open"

Paintings Oil/Acrylic and Pastel

Paintings Oil/Acrylic and Pastel

Develpoment of my own natural creative talent "Painting"
