Influencing Emotions Task - Collaborative Video

CC4262 Emotions Engineering
Hello and good day everyone. Here with a new task given to us for the week. It is probably the hardest task for my group and I to complete. Our task is to form a group of 2 - 3 people and create a video that can affect the audience emotions from one video to another. That is right, the video will be a short collaborative with other previous groups aka our friend's group with duration between 30secs to 1 minute. We can either continue the video from where the previous group left off or use an element from the video to create an emotional connection to another. 

We have to use the same character with same profile of objects used. The usual members; Aliff Z, Hasra and myself Aliff R that make up the group. I am in charge of storyboarding and storyline while Hasra in in charge of camera and video editing while Aliff Z done the sound editing and finalization of video to make sure our video is okay.
Storyline and Storyboarding
First off, we had a big discussion between my group and other groups on how to connect the videos together. My group plan was to use an object as a main focus of the whole video so at first we go with Nasi Katok but that was immediately scratch out after countless discussions so we decided to settle on a treasure as a focus mainly a plushie. My team was the first to start the video so we used emotion of confusion so that the audience felt confused on our video to deepen and attract them to our mysteries. Hence, the video would be about the feeling of confusion as the main emotion to start.

There are two main characters, the MC itself and the Antagonist AKA the masked man. As the video progresses from one to another, the story unfolds but for now below is our storyboard of our part.
We only managed to use two of the above storyboards due to too much duration spent on all of the parts therefore we have given the bottom two storyboard to our next group that can use it to implement a continuation from our video but all in all a good story navigation to follow through.
Production & Post - Production
Here, Hasra and Aliff Z will summarize what they have done during the production and post - production.
As for Hasra's part, he is in charge of the cinematography. This means he is responsible for filming the scenes needed for the film as well as direct where and how we act on each scene accordingly using his phone Poco X3 as a recording device. He is also responsible for filming each scene in different angles to give a certain feeling of expression in each shot making it have more of an impact for the video.
After filming, Hasra then compiles the scenes using Adobe Premiere Pro as well as making adjustments in the length so as to not go over the one minute mark as initially the final length was 1 minute and 20 seconds
For Aliff Z, he is in charge of the video sound design and act as the main character. I used about 10 different kind of sound effect including music . 4 BGM and 6 Sound effects. BGM include are atmosphere of the hallway, creepy music box lullaby, mysterious suspense music and a creepy horror drone music. The BGM help to setup the mystery and tone of the story which revolve around the main characters confusion. As for sound effect it add to the unsettling and sinister feeling and help to add more life to the video like footsteps, creepy breathing, creepy laughter, shoe sliding sound effect.
Below is the finalized version of our video as the one to start the chain of connection to the next set of videos.
The hardest part of the task as mentioned above is the continuity and the teamwork of all the groups to create a video that can connect with each other through emotions or elements present. It was fun though thinking about how to do this kind of task. That is all from me and the boys, thank you for reading.
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Influencing Emotions Task - Collaborative Video

Influencing Emotions Task - Collaborative Video

A project made by three students of same course.
