Rhea Rane's profile

Pitch bible, Illustration, Storytelling, Preproduction

What is my story?
Having lost his job, a husband decides to move to a far away house. The wife has no choice but to follow him, she isn't asked, and she doesn't resist it either. She is raised to be a dutiful housewife but finds herself trapped in a marriage that does not let her flourish. After moving numerous houses she finds herself at her breaking point. She finds herself on the edge of breaking free and this is her story of how she took the first step. Once they've moved into the new house the husband leaves to find work again, and that is the end of his role in the story. By leaving her in a house she did not want to live in with only the window to serve as a portal to the outside world, we are metaphorically implying that he has trapped her, locking the door to her freedom from outside. The house stands isolated from civilisation right before a magical forest. She spends her first night alone and frightened, contemplating the nightmare she is stuck in. Her first day alone goes by in self pity and depression. Later in the evening, after a full day of agonisingly looking outside the window for an escape she is presented with an opportunity
Rough storyboard or Animatic of the story
Pitch bible, Illustration, Storytelling, Preproduction

Pitch bible, Illustration, Storytelling, Preproduction
