HEYMY 黑脉设计's profile

开鑫豆制所 × 黑脉 | 一口全豆 原味原浆

Project name: Soymilk packaging upgrade
Customer name: Kaixin Bean Factory
Designer: ARCHANA
Brand planning: Beate
Brand copy: Kaspar
Brand Design & Packaging Design: Jacven jiang
Packaging Shoot: Wenhua Studio

What is the essence of packaging? The essence of packaging is not a commodity package,
It's a packet of information, an explosive packet of information!
This information package is on the mall or electronic shelf, and competes with other information packages to stand out,
Attract consumers' attention, and carry the reasons for purchase, blast consumers' minds, and achieve purchases.
The first level of packaging design is to highlight the product on the shelf,
The second level is how to organize symbols and information on the packaging to improve the efficiency of packaging communication.
This is also an important way to reduce marketing costs through packaging design,
We call it: let the product speak for itself
开鑫豆制所 × 黑脉 | 一口全豆 原味原浆


开鑫豆制所 × 黑脉 | 一口全豆 原味原浆



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