T r a z a s
Diseño disco <Trazas>, producción fonográfica de obras para instrumento solo de compositores chilenos, interpretadas por solistas de ensamble f(r)actura.  
Chile, Marzo 2022
The concept of "Trazas" is born from the idea of ​​the pieces as a continuum that advances, transforms and evolves as the album progresses; not like pieces that are unrelated to each other.⁣ The art was worked in ink, graphite pencil and wire, which intertwine and cross, forming a kind of cartography of the disk. The canvas used is a mauve-toned paper, which included cuttings from previous tests (some white and others scratched). ​​​​​​​

poster design ​​​​___​

original ilustration ​​​​___​

PRODUCIDO POR / produced by __ Enrique Schadenberg
GRABACIÓN / recorded by__ Andrés González
MASTERIZACIÓN / master by __ Sebastián Tapia
DISEÑO Y ARTE / design and art by __ Renée Rodo Iunnissi

You can listen to the album here:


          THANK YOU______________________

Trazas - CD Design