Requirements for this project included accessible HTML and CSS that followed SEO best practices. These followed brand guidelines for children's author Claire Singara.

This website is a place for users to learn more about Claire Singara. You can learn more about her personal life, some of the books she has released, and any upcoming events she has planned. Typical users will be parents with younger children, grandparents or other family, and anyone interested in children’s books and learning more about Claire Singara. 

I started this project by writing the HTML using the content provided. This was the easiest part, as writing HTML is something I enjoy doing and it was a fairly quick process. The CSS came next and this is where I tend to struggle a bit. I usually need a bit of a refresher on this material and then it comes a bit easier and this course was no different. The initial projects we had to do took me a lot longer than they should have but once I figured everything out it went a lot quicker. I chose to keep the basic design as I felt it looked good and was easy enough to pull off. Testing went smoothly, only minor changes were required. I chose to not include the links for tickets as I didn’t have anything to link them to. Had I incorporated them, I think it would have looked better if the location text was the link. I copied the LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME.html to an index.html in order to get it to show up on GitHub Pages, as it was showing the readme prior to me doing that. If I had more time to work on this project I would have liked to add a lot more interactivity, such as clicking on one of the books and having it expand and show more information, with the rest of the website blurred out behind it.



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