Johanna Rüdinger's profile

Spotify Creative Lead DACH

Spotify Social Media Lead DACH
Byte London/Byte Berlin was looking for a new creative lead and copywriter to take on their client’s social media. I stepped in to create always-on content in line with new releases, current events, following trends and meme culture to stay ahead of the curve with our content. We created a fun mix of contemporary and classic references that would speak to a broad audience, taking into the account age differences on different social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. We always got the chance to try out new formats, play with 3D, create filters and AR experiences, and come up with cool campaigns, creating a diverse and well-balanced content stream.

Year: 2019-2020
Role: Creative Lead, Copywriter
Language: German
Client: Spotify
Agency: Byte / Dept
Spotify Creative Lead DACH


Spotify Creative Lead DACH
