Lepo bureau's profile

ἐλευθερία bookstore

Architect -   M.Andreev

Year:  2022
Location: Voronezh, Russia 
Area - 60 sq m
Photo credits -  A. Kobeleva

An unusual space in the center of our city.  We get complete freedom from the customer, and to our surprise, he confirmed everything from the first time.

The Eleftheria bookstore combines classic elements with bright colors and modern materials. We also added a little style of the 60s due to the houndstooth chairs with bright orange backs.
Vertical radiators are painted in the color of the main central wall and the reception desk, which tied up the entire volume. We'd like to mention porcelain stoneware 1200 x 1200 mm made in the form of wet paving stone. And of course the riot of colors was added by the main customers of the interior of this space – books.


ἐλευθερία bookstore

ἐλευθερία bookstore
