" Flowered Heart"
Film, acryclic paint, bristol board (flowers), on canvas. Coffee was also used to tone the paper and canvas. 
" Yarn On Wreath"
I constructed a christmas wreath out of long sticks and twigs, bent into a circle. White yarn was used to hold twigs in place and also add a decorative element. Burlap was used at the bottom of the wreath to add a contrast, mixed with white paper flowers. 
"Book Pyramid"
Using many books, I folded the pages in towards the spine, and made a cylinder with two books. Then, I toned the paper with coffee and burnt the edges. Lastly, I glued the book cylinders together to create an abstract pyramid like sculpture. This piece can be hung from the ceiling or put on a pedestal. 


In my free time, I enjoy creating visual sculptures or props. I love using a range of materials, but mainly use any sort of material I can find t Read More
