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central saint martins graphic design course//

Week 1 Assignment- Ideas and images
Application of graphic design methods:
Using the words "rebellious", "offensive" and "provocative", I had to create 3 images that would communicate these feelings, while also taking into account an establshed aesthetic.
Week 2- Typography
“ERA” redesigned typeface from Times New Roman.
Play on contrast between words associated to the typography (stringent, academic, formal and rigid), and some opposing concepts (playful, unserious, relaxed).
Study on punk typographies; rhythm, scale, tilt, cropping.
Week 3 Assignment- Double-spread magazine layout
"Chaos" was the inspiration word used to play with the different parts of the magazine layout. Margin and tension were the main developed aspects, shown through the placement of text and images. The main goal was to create an "organized chaos".
Pictures used from week 1 assignment, and for the headline the typography created for week 2.
Week 4- Logo design
The design of these logos was based on the feeling of rebelliousness.
Using the same typography created for week 2, as well as the same picture for the logos, I made three variants:
1. Image
2. Image and typography
3. Typography
central saint martins graphic design course//


central saint martins graphic design course//
