
I have collaborated on the design and manufacture of unique consumer experience led retail furniture for high end department store Flannels.

I have focussed predominantly on Flannels’ beauty department, contributing to stores across the UK. Extensive prototyping and development work is done to achieve innovative in-store experiences.

The ‘Beauty Pods’ are changing rooms come photo booths featuring a selfie mirror and accompanying hidden fan providing that photoshoot experience. The geometry and limited space within the pods presented challenges. In particular creating a minimal environment for the customers whilst housing all the necessary equipment and maintaining its effectiveness.

The ‘Beauty Bars’ curved forms with faceted body presented similar challenges. Providing the space for equipment and for staff to operate. The bars give the department an opulent focal point and grandeur.

Designed and developed with Smith & Brewer.


Interior retail design project for Flannels beauty departments accross vairous sights. Project in collaboration with Smith Brewer
