Japanese Carp
The nishikigoi
The word koi comes from Japanese, simply meaning "carp". What are known as koi in English are referred to more specifically as nishikigoi. In Japanese, koi is a homophone for another word that means "affection" or "love"; koi are therefore symbols of love and friendship in Japan.
Originally, the meaning of koi fish in a waterfall came from the origin of a term, the gateway to success. The term was originated in China where the yellow river lays on its vast land. In the upper stream of the river, there is a ravine called Longmen, which means dragon gate.
The Chinese legend says that fishes, which can swim up the rapid stream of Longmen and reach the top, can become a dragon. Among all fishes, carp was the only kind, which could accomplish it.
Ancient Chinese had used the image of koi fish as a figurative expression to describe someone who become successful by overcoming obstacles. The path, which the person had taken, were later called the gateway to success.
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Japanese Carp


Japanese Carp

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