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Paige ft Seezus Beats - Phakade Album cover

The concept of love is of course and very difficult feeling/expression to explain in mere words. i wanted to express the journey of love its self in one picture firstly using the color Red & Orange, which together express the emotion, feeling and energy of attraction and associate it with strong emotions, such as sensual love, passion, anger. It's the universal color to signify strength, power, courage, and danger. which are all the roller coaster emotions we go through when it comes to being in love with someone.

Design Element 1 - The 2 Blurry images
A relationship cannot continue without trust, honesty and Forgiveness in my opinion which is extremely important and necessary in a relationship because we have to accept and be reminded that we aren't perfect. in this concept i wanted to showcase the unbalance of the un-perfect that lead towards the perfect which will be the frame in the middle that is now more clear. to symbolizes the the end results that one becomes from all the trials of falling in love. At the end you get to learn and become a new person.
Design Element 2 - The Crown and Bling on the ring.
Ever hear of a phrase that "Love is Beautiful" you probably might think its a cliche, but indeed it is and until you fall in love at the right time you get to be great full for all those love life experience you've went through. by using the crown and making it fade into the two blurry images i wanted to showcase the connection between all the phases that were un-perfect which lead to the perfect phase of a true Queen.

The ring its just simply to say what is love without a matrimony as the end result?
The essence of love should have royalty in its-self, by using the color purple i wanted to archive the feeling of royalty to also represent wisdom and spirituality that can complement the emotion expressed in the picture.

Paige ft Seezus Beats - Phakade Album cover


Paige ft Seezus Beats - Phakade Album cover
