EJ McCabe's profileNicole Mata's profile

UConn Athletics (Animation, Graphic Design)

Motion Design for UConn Athletics
Put into contact with the UConn Athletics department through a Digital Media and Design course, the class was tasked with creating our own versions of all of the designs and animations that are played on screens during a UConn Athletics event. 

We worked closely with UConn Athletics, learning both their branding rules and what they look for in their graphics. Here is what we created:
Get Loud
First is the Get Loud graphic, to get the crowd hyped up at a UConn Athletics event. The animation increases in intensity as it goes on, the words getting larger and the Huskies multiplying by the second.

Asset Design: Chaofan Yu
Lightning Animation: EJ McCabe
The red lightning effects seen throughout these graphics are part of a library of 20 unique lightning effects, created to be drawn from whenever necessary. The lightning raises the energy of any graphic it's used in, with the intent of emphasizing certain moments. 

Lightning Animation: EJ McCabe
3D Husky Logo
The 3D Husky Logo is a transitional graphic to be played in the downtime between other graphics. It features a 3D version of the Jonathan logo floating around in the center of a 360 degree scan of UConn's famous Gampel Pavilion, with lightning behind it building the tension before the next big moment. The graphic is looping, so it can be used as long as it needs to be.

Animation: Nicole Mata
Lightning Animation: EJ McCabe
Let's Go Huskies
The Let's Go Huskies graphic riles up the crowd into a classic UConn chant, with a 3D statue of Jonathan the Husky howling along with them.

2D Design and Animation: Chaofan Yu
Lightning Animation: EJ McCabe
Make Some Noise
Make Some Noise encourages the audience to do just that, featuring the same 3D Jonathan from Let's Go Huskies, but this time it's headbanging along with the crowd.

2D Design and Animation: Chaofan Yu
Lightning Animation: EJ McCabe
Sponsor Plate
The Sponsor Plate is a transitional graphic used to show off the sponsors of the given sporting event. This example uses Wells Fargo and Dunkin, but any company logo can easily be placed in this graphic.

Animation: EJ McCabe
Here are some of the design concepts for the Sponsor Plate, one in 2D and one in 3D. This gives a look into the design pipeline of this whole project, with designs being tweaked in critiques from UConn Athletics before being animated.

Design: Nicole Mata
UConn Athletics (Animation, Graphic Design)

UConn Athletics (Animation, Graphic Design)
