Matte painting
- from a plate to the story -
You barely remember the last days of your journey, since you were just fighting for your life, hiding from the heat and trying to save some water.
Therefore you can't believe your eyes now, seeing the Heaven Mosque you were walking to for months. The pain of bleeding feet reminds you are still alive and this is not a dream.
Still, the destination of your journey is quite far away. The path goes through an arid canyon,
but you see a river down there. There is only one thing more important than water:
you have to gain the end at all hazards.
Not a soul on your way for weeks. Perhaps some people in that town could help you
to find the way up? Though it looks deserted, the bridge is intact.
The Mosque looks like paradise from here. But once you came down from an arch cliff, it will turn into a mockery: after all, you have no idea how to reach the destination.
But for now, a cliff gives you this blessed shadow. Flowers around make you smile a bit.
You cannot deny the beauty of this place.
A sandstorm has started, and now you see clouds of dust in the sunset light. How long will it last?
You are weak and the storm means death to you.
Suddenly the barn owl appears in bursts of sunshine, and you breathe with relief: they say you cannot die in the place where owls guard the borders.
Thanks for watching!​​​​​​​
may 2022


may 2022
