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Red Caviar – How to Distinguish a Delicacy From a Fake

Red Caviar – How to Distinguish a Delicacy From a Fake
Red caviar is a real delicacy and a storehouse of valuable vitamins. When choosing this product, you want to get high-quality, tasty, safe kosher salmon caviar, a great addition to various dishes. Today, there are many red caviar producers on the market, and the quality raises questions for many.

Can a can of red caviar cost a hundred rubles? It is not uncommon in the market when the buyer acquires counterfeit or real fake instead of good products. To reduce the cost of the product, several manufacturers mix several types of red caviar in different price categories, for example, pink salmon and coho salmon, and give it out as a more expensive product.

Other manufacturers advertise simulated red caviar as accurate. The production of such caviar is simple - in some countries, they make imitation caviar using gelatin or fish broth; in others - from an extract of seaweed, known as agar-agar. This food product allows you to create eggs that are difficult to distinguish from real ones.
But spoiled caviar can bring the most significant harm to the body. If weighted caviar is not sold on time, it will have a smell and mucus. Some sellers reanimate caviar with water and potassium permanganate. And ascorbic acid helps to remove the bitter taste. But the worst thing is when the caviar is initially of poor quality, with improper storage and without observing the norms of the sanitary and epidemiological station. Only in December 2021, in one of the markets, experts found E. coli in half of the goods.

Unique technologies, environmental friendliness, love for one's work, strict quality control, and concern for human health are the main principles of work of the Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood company. Therefore, the main task for the buyer is to choose a quality product that will not only bring pleasure but also benefit the body. After all, red caviar is rich in beneficial Omega-3 fatty acids, zinc, selenium, vitamins A, B, C, D, and other valuable macro and microelements. Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood is an expert in the market of red caviar and salmon producers. With more than twenty years of experience, the company has established itself as a reliable supplier of quality products in twelve countries worldwide. The company supplies Kamchatka products from the Bering Sea, the only place where real kosher salmon caviar is produced.

What is simulated caviar, and how can it be distinguished from a quality product? There are two types of production of imitation seaweed red caviar. The first way is the production of granulated caviar, which does not burst in the mouth. The eggs are dense and uniform in a jar, and it is easy to distinguish them from high-quality salmon caviar. The second way is production using encapsulation technology, and the eggs burst like real ones; they have a thin shell and a liquid center. It is much more difficult to distinguish such caviar from the real one. Dyes give the color of the caviar. They take natural dyes - paprika extract or carmine - and add synthetic dyes to them to enhance the color. And to create the taste, wild fish broth or salmon fish oil is used. Therefore, cheap jars of red caviar should be treated with caution - inside, and instead of salmon kosher caviar, there may be cod or other low-value fish caviar or a mixture of natural and imitated caviar in unequal proportions.

The optimal composition in a can of caviar is red caviar and salt, without preservatives and dyes. On the contrary, in the production of simulated caviar, spices, preservatives, and flavors are often used. If E-239 or urotropine is indicated on the jar, this is a low-quality product that should not buy. This is an additive that increases the shelf life of red caviar and is banned in some countries due to its toxic effects on the human body.
According to nutritionist Yakov Novoselov, artificial salmon roe cannot be sold under the natural guise. The seller must indicate that the product is imitated from algae or gelatin on the packaging. In addition, the caviar in which fish is contained inside should be displayed on the jar.

Many buyers advise checking the quality of red caviar with boiling water. If you pour simulated caviar from gelatin, it will dissolve, and real kosher red caviar will behave like a protein. Under the influence of boiling water, the shell of the eggs will turn white, and the water will become cloudy. Fake caviar can also smell medicinal herbs when poured with boiling water - this is the action of neurotrophin discussed above.

Simulated caviar does not cause the most terrible harm to the human body, but there is little benefit. Firstly, it contains more salt than real kosher caviar. Secondly, fake caviar may contain lactic and citric acid, which can cause allergic reactions. And thirdly, beneficial acids in imitated caviar are absorbed much worse. In addition, it is essential to be sure about the producer of red caviar so that for the total price of kosher caviar, you will not get fake seaweed.

Of particular value is red caviar from the Bering Sea from Kamchatka - the most healthy, natural, and delicious. In markets and shops, you can often find red caviar from Alaska, which is much lower in quality and content of nutrients. There is a nuance here in catching fish in Alaska - a lot of time passes from the moment of catch to the production of red caviar, and the valuable properties of caviar disappear. In addition, such caviar becomes sour and loses its taste.

Consumers who care about their health will always choose a product without preservatives and chemical additives and prefer real red caviar from Kamchatka. The manufacturer "Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood" guarantees its products' quality, kosher, and safety - salmon and red caviar. This superfood is a real gem of the Kamchatka Territory. The Vostochny Bereg / Bering seafood company produces red caviar within four hours of being caught. The products are supplied without preservatives and dyes and have fantastic taste and valuable properties.
Red Caviar – How to Distinguish a Delicacy From a Fake

Red Caviar – How to Distinguish a Delicacy From a Fake



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