Magnolia Floral Seamless Pattern Design
Another pattern! I've been stuck for a couple of days and finally! was able to create some mockups for this. 

I decided to call this one 'Magnolia', as it matches the whole feel as well as the background colour I used for it. :)

I liked how the balance of colours turned out in the apron mockup, gives me a feeling of.. maybe vintage-y? 

My boyfriend (<3) told me he loves this pattern, and also asked if he can use it as his wallpaper. Yes of course he can, right? Haha!

One of the main reason why I also decided to create and design patterns is that I would love to collect bed sheets. I kinda got frustrated how pricey they were, and how hard it is to find the style, colour and design that I exactly like, so most of the ones I have shared are the ones I prefer. :D

I am planning to print this one someday, and hope I can update here how it will turn out. 

Thanks for checking this out! ♥
Magnolia Floral Pattern


Magnolia Floral Pattern
