Jasen Bean's profile

Moto Armor Branding

Moto Armor Branding 
Moto Armor develops and manufactures windshields and other accessories for off-road 4 wheel drive vehicles. The brand creates an atmosphere for people invested in high speed trail riding, technical rock crawling and killer customized vehicles.

Product Catalog
Moto Armor is pushing custom doors so it came first in the line up. Although glass windshields and roofs are top selling items, placing them last gave viewers time to see other items they normally wouldn't look for such as billet accessories. 

Product Photography
Each photo is designed to express the products utility, fitment, and form quickly and efficiently. I was able to convert a small office space into a photo studio for the detail photos of individual products. There wasn't enough room to build a booth for the machines so I improvised a brick wall and certain day time to get the desired results.

Print Collateral
Incorporating playful satire into the sticker designs make a connection point with consumers previous positive experiences. I have had multiple people come up to discuss the designs at trade shows. The more interactions we have with potential customers the better and sticker swag is a cheap means to do it.  
   The bags and stickers got people to the booth and the banners gave them quick info. Our main focus is to get dealer info and sign them up for sales. The large QR code is a link to our simple sign up page.
   The riding jersey is light colored for summer months. Large branding helps people recognize the company, while riding on trails. The colors are predominantly neutral allowing people to use it with different color gear or machines. ​​​​​​​

Spatial Design
Moto Armor attended the Sema Auto Show for booth inspiration. Sema is the largest automotive trade show in the United States. It took two days to see all of the booths at the show. I spent the days taking photos and gathering information. The best booths all had the same things in common, bright colors, lights and an open booth design. 
  I compiled all of the information I found at Sema and met with a team of people to get all of the assets designed and fabricated. I was able to design and direct the completion of the items to make a successful booth. 
   We had no prior experience with LED signs and it took a few iterations to get the correct LEDs with the right material to get the brightness I was looking for. Everything was fabricated from scratch. having a group of people at Moto Armor familiar with manufacturing and prototyping made the process simple.

Moto Armor has a strange relationship with google maps, no one can find us. Turning the van into a bill board is helping customers and deliveries find our shop location. 
   Like the van wrap the door wrap was done because of a need for people to find Moto Armor. The door display had a lot of windows so the owner wasn't sure if a wrap would look good there. I created a photoshop mock up with the illustrator assets and helped the owner understand what the finished product would look like.
Moto Armor Branding


Moto Armor Branding
