This was originally a project that my friend wanted for his YouTube channel, he wanted me to make a banner for him. he initially wanted a design similar to the bubble bobble dragon 
I thought about it and decided to add a little flair too it, by having it inspired by Godzilla, and a Chinese Lion so I made this design
This is the design I came up with, that was inspired by Godzilla and a Chinese lion, and when it came to the style of it I wanted to go for a look that made it seem like a paper cutout and someone used a sharpie 
I then made a cityscape in adobe illustrator since I wasn't please with how the silhouette of the first city came to be
To add a little bit of flair to the piece I thought about the Japanese rising sun, and made it in illustrator as well! then I added some Japanese Text from google translate, and put it all the final pieces in photoshop to get the final image.
Knockoff Godzilla


Knockoff Godzilla
