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World of Darkness RPG - Black Pack

Old, old art but these are characters from my Black Pack, a group of Garou. I have others that haven't been drawn (yet? idk.. ^^;; ). These characters were created before I knew what it was like to play an RPG, but I wanted to and I was reading World of Darkness lore and books.

Nadia and Nomee are below first. Nomee is my character and the twin sister of Nadia, my friend's character. Nomee tore off Nadia's arm in a fit of rage.
Michael is a Garou in love with Nadia, but Nomee is obsessed with him so Nadia will not return his affections. It's a nasty love triangle.
Below are the last two - Somatosis and Komatosis.

Twins are common in this family, and so is incest and madness. Koma is the older brother by minutes, and he has the heavy burden of taking care of Soma. The females typically show insanity, and Soma displays it early on. However, some of it is just for show. She is often just cruel because she can be. But she is very powerful, even more so than Koma - she just allows him to win when needed. The pack follows them both, but Soma is the alpha.

My description of Soma was one of my favorites, it went something like this... Her eyelashes were so white they looked like cobwebs, her skin so pale you could see a spiderweb of blue vein work along her body. It was as though a breath could blow her away she seemed so delicate, but the power that emanated from behind her mad gaze was terror to behold.

The bottom image is heavily inspired by one of my favorite artists from youth - Karincoma. 
World of Darkness RPG - Black Pack


World of Darkness RPG - Black Pack

A pack of Garou from the World of Darkness RPG world known as the Black Pack. An older set of characters I created (except Nadia).
