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Mermaid Fantasy, Pattern Collection

Mermaid Fantasy
Pattern Collection Project
For this project, I was instructed to create three cohesive patterns for my vector illustration class. Of these three patterns, they had to follow a common theme showing your technical skill and creativity. The theme I chose was Under the Sea focusing on mermaids. My goal was to use these patterns for a baby nursery or baby-related items such as clothing, bibs, or blankets. 
Hero, Secondary, and Blender
Mermaid Friends, Hero Pattern
Shell Dance, Secondary Pattern
Bubbly Bubbles, Blender Pattern
I chose this color palette by referencing color palettes on Pinterest
Compared to my finalize patterns, my sketches were pretty general. But later on in the project, I did make some alterations and tweaking when it came to my Hero pattern and Secondary pattern. 
Mermaid Fantasy, Pattern Collection

Mermaid Fantasy, Pattern Collection
