Agnes Dei
Dinner Table
Speakers, amplifiers, power supplies, electrical wire, sound interface, laptop, webcam, plastic table, 5 chairs, string, ceramic plates, knifes and forks, wine glasses, spoon, table cloth, napkins and candle. 

What happens when there's no need to ever set the table? When everyone is gone, is it still the same? The memories of those dinners at our parents' house stay with us wherever we go. This sound installation was an exercise made to think about the simple details of something ingrained in the portuguese culture - the dinner time. From the most random everyday chats to heart pounding discussions, this installation forces the spectator to interact and to listen to a normal dinner. Sounds that move through space, sounds that determine actions and characters. The ilusion of a fake dinner conversation soon becomes a reality, where the spectator doesn't deny the existence of other bodies seated at the dinner table. The table is full even when we're alone.
Dinner Table

Dinner Table
