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Entrepreneurial skills 101 

No, this is not a movie review of the 2000 Rom-com film. This is not the ultimate guide to understanding women either.
At least, this meme would make it impossible to do so. Our society will have everyone convinced that women are an avalanche of all things complex. And yet, we fail to provide the female workforce with the right opportunities that will put their skills to use. After all, they’re just women.

The gender gap is impossible to ignore. We live in dynamic times but for every step forward, some steps land us 50 years back. We exist in an abnormal world of supposed normalcies. A world where women are expected to work longer hours, earn lower wages, suffer in vulnerable situations and bear it all. The improbable idea of living through a period of assumed equality sounds fascinating. But is it really so? There is an uncanny amount of prejudice and stereotypes that women face in the workplace. OnlyFans for example, is a subscription-based adult content creation platform that thousands of people worldwide use. When Amrapali Gan assumed the role of CEO, she was showered with hate comments and derogatory remarks. Double standards and hypocrisy are deeply-rooted in our existence and often manifest in the most egregious ways. 

The global female labour force participation rate is close to 49%. Certain countries, like the UAE, North Africa, and so on, witness striking rates of women's unemployment. Name another species' extension that is denied dignity, morale, and the ability to have a family, marital responsibilities, or religious standards. The irony of it all is having to lie or expose oneself to preposterous situations. Why? Just to have a decent standard of life.

Economically, if women were given equal opportunities, the global GDP could take a quantum leap. With a global pandemic on the horizon, countries could benefit from this. Financial independence is something all women wish to achieve someday. Traditional gender roles, discrimination, and societal constraints prevent women from unleashing their true potential. 

We have seen a rise in women-owned businesses in these confusing times. From pappads to the fanciest clothes, women have done it all. Young girls have their own thrift stores, jewellery collections, etc. This is the era of the hustlers. 

In a sea of sharks, these are some skills you’ll need to keep an eye out for, to survive the impending storms.


The key to a strong foundation is managing time. Punctuality is a key factor. It determines your commitment and respect for the people you work with. All businesses thrive with a leader who knows what it takes and keeps up with quality. It’s a mad race, and there is no time to slack.

Plan in advance and keep up with your schedule to avoid an unnecessary accumulation of stress tomorrow. As they say, if you don’t run the day, the day runs you. Always manage your time. 


Marketing serves as the backbone of the skeleton of any business. It’s vital to know the market demand. And advertising skills can elevate your brand. They say a clever advertiser can create demand and convince a poor man that he needs a Gucci belt.

Marketing to businesses is like oxygen for mortals. A business can not succeed without it. 
After all, if people don’t show an interest or purchase your products, WTF? (Where the funds?)


Learn to say "NO." And don’t forget to say YES to new opportunities too. Healthy communication with your team fuels productivity. Imagine a cold war between success and you. Healthy communication skills are the driving force behind a thriving business. 

Stress, pain, anger, and frustration are all human emotions. When communicated clearly, it can facilitate a productive space. The intention is to be productive with superior results, rather than just to remain busy. Miscommunication can increase costs and disrupt the perception of the brand. 


While these times can be difficult, it is imperative to think long-term. Strategize your business goals based on facts. Competition may be your most ferocious enemy, but it's vital for your business's growth. 
Develop a strong vision that culminates with your brand’s ethos. Identify, plan, review. Strategizing not only defines your business' growth but also develops trust in your team members. When your vision becomes a mission, you will begin to see the difference. For example, to diversify its niches, Mercedes Benz strategized to cater to a younger audience rather than stick to the exclusive high-end luxury demographic. A programme called "MTV Date with Speed" was developed by Mercedes Benz in partnership with MTV and the Buddh International Circuit. This programme combined college life with the thrill of motorsports.


Be open to scrutiny and change. Acceptance is key. The world has evolved in leaps and bounds. Now, a simple reel can be a small business's overnight ticket to victory. Dare to change and accept the novelty of it all. Often, small businesses cannot fathom mainstream competition, trends in vogue, and so on. 
Ironically, what you fail to accept might have been your glorious card to fame. The day you stop learning or accepting what's new, you admit defeat. Stagnation kills and traps you in an endless loophole. Innovation is fundamental to the growth of a business. When McDonald's was blamed for making people fat, they switched to healthier alternatives and began offering salads and other alternative options.


Keep in mind that the main resources one has at the moment are energy, money, and time. How do you allocate these limited resources? Advocate for your resources and prioritise them based on your needs. Burnout can affect lives and lead to failure. 
Therefore, it’s very critical to strategize and extend your resources effectively to achieve your entrepreneurial goals. In terms of schemes that favour women's entrepreneurial pursuits, the government of India offers copious schemes and financial aid. For example, the Mudra Yojana Scheme, the Trade-Related Entrepreneurship Assistance and Development Scheme, and so on.

Being an entrepreneur doesn’t just make you your own boss. It presents you with the gift of helping countless other women achieve their dreams. It doesn’t take a muse to offer inspiration. Take charge and act, for the inspiration you need, is right within. 





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