At 4172 masl Bumthang, Bhutan, during the first days of autumn in the mountains, while hiking to record the dying culture of Yak herding in the valley. We came across a makeshift hut made of wooden planks and spruce leaves as flooring. In the hut was a senior highlander who herded Yaks for over 70 years. Meymey Damchoela is happy and content with his life living away up in the highlands with his Yaks.
However, he is worried that not many people are now interested in rearing yaks. He recounts that during his time, practically every household kept yaks in the highlands; currently, he is the valley's last remaining Yak herder, as all households now rear cattle in the village. The smoke and sun rays through the roofs radiated him being the only hope of keeping the culture of Yak herding alive in the region.
Dying Cultures


Dying Cultures
