Jeff Ryals's profile

Christian Cares Quarterly Magazine

Christian Cares is a quarterly magazine that promotes Christian Hospital's mission of community service. It's  distributed to more than 80,000 households in Missouri and Illinois, both in print and digital format.
I write all of the original content for this publication, including the president's message, a policy information column and two feature articles each issue.
BJC media research recently conducted a user survey for CCQ, and the magazine enjoys strong awareness and reader affinity in our market with both internal and external audiences.
Although .pdf files aren't supported by Behance, I'll be happy to provide sample issues upon request:
Here's an excerpt from a recent feature article:
Refuge and Salvation in an Urban Oasis
For much of the last century, the city’s Ville neighborhood was a vibrant center of African-American culture and accomplishment. But today, the area is a troubled shadow of its former self. Overgrown, trash-strewn lots proliferate where prosperous brick structures once stood, and of the buildings that remain, many are dilapidated or abandoned.
But look closer and you’ll see signs of growth, like improbable wildflowers pushing up through cracked asphalt. A tidy new house here, a modest commercial development there. And it’s at the intersection of St. Ferdinand and Belle Glade, on the eastern edge of the district, that you’ll find Pleasant Grove Baptist Church.
Bishop Courtney Jones is the spiritual leader of Pleasant Grove, and he looks like he could’ve been a fighter. Thickly built, he possesses a stern countenance tempered over the years by rough experience. “I’ve been the pastor here for 26 years,” Bishop Jones says quietly, sitting at the head of a large conference table in the church office. “Our mission is to liberate those held captive by physical and spiritual oppression and decay. Every day we deal with issues like homelessness, tackling hunger and trying to keep kids in schools and out of trouble. And because we’re a community church, our congregation is representative of the community,” he says, his voice rising slightly. “So many of the people I pastor have serious challenges to living healthy lives. Some are in gangs, and frankly some have lived lifestyles that most wouldn’t be proud of.”
It’s Jones’ involvement with the Christian Hospital community outreach board that gives him hope. “I’m convinced that access to health care is one of the most powerful ways to improve life.” Then he shifts in his seat uncomfortably. “There’s no easy way to say it. In this community we deal with a lot of loss of life. It’s good to know that Christian is so invested in promoting wellness and early detection to the people they serve, and I’m convinced that that kind of outreach will not only help people live healthier lives, but will actually save lives here.”
The hospital’s outreach effort – and the actions of one doctor in particular – has started paying dividends. “One of the people I’ve been very impressed with is Dr. Christopher Menendez, Christian’s breast surgeon,” Jones says. “He’s come into our community several times, giving health seminars and helping women learn about the dangers of breast cancer and the importance of early detection.
“And that last part is huge, because understanding that simple screenings and lifestyle education can prevent or reduce the damage that disease causes is critical,” he continues. “When people feel healthier it makes them feel empowered and optimistic about making other positive changes in their lives and the lives of those around them.
“And that goes right back to our mission here – liberating people from the oppressive circumstance of their lives and freeing them to be happier, more productive people."
Christian Cares Quarterly Magazine

Christian Cares Quarterly Magazine

Christian Hospital's quarterly magazine that's distributed to more than 80,000 households in Missouri and Illinois each issue.
