Sadie Thomas's profile

2021-2022 Upscale Resale Branding

In this specific design I wanted to exhibit the factor of Upscale Resale text making the U and R have arrows pointing both up and down. I wanted it to look clean and fun creating that social and uplifting environment. I added a shoe that is worn typically by children with a stack of books. The shoe represents youthfulness of children and the color green can be interpreted as growth; this growth can be seen as the growth from poverty or being in a desperate time of need into becoming financially stable. With the idea of the shoe being shopping and growth the books represent education, each color representing education in different factors. With the pops of color from the books it shows the different things you’ll learn by being apart of this family, taking away things you learn about more commodities
about yourself and others.
2021-2022 Upscale Resale Branding

2021-2022 Upscale Resale Branding
