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Discovering New Styles & Tools in Photoshop

Photoshop Multi-Studies: 
Discovering New Styles and Tools

I've recently been trying out new tools in my painting process that I haven't used in Photoshop before. 

The good ol' "Line Tool" was something I wasn't familiar with until a fellow artist and exceptional digital & traditional painter, "Mirko" JacksonJoker mentioned it in one of Maddy Bellwoar's Streams. So from that day I've been inspired to use it for certain loose or detailed elements in my painting ventures. 

As you can see below I used it for the door and basket, along with some foliage brushes I was moved to make from Maddy and her awesome streams. I used it for the trees, of course I've incorporated her brush packs as well on the bushes and flowers since I just have a couple at the moment...
Foliage, Clouds and Colorful Boats...
There were a couple things that stood out when thought to use this reference as a study. The lighting and color usually draw me in, when there is no depth of field, then clouds and foliage are a close runner up...

I really been trying out new brushes and layer blend modes lately, so you can see where I was experimenting from my progress time lapse. I tried to stay loose during the blocking out stage which is after the sketch. Sometimes I find that even at that stage you can have a finish product, It just depends what style you're going for.
Photograph Reference Credit: @CENK.OZKAN
Amazing photographer! A must see!
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Discovering New Styles & Tools in Photoshop


Discovering New Styles & Tools in Photoshop

Enjoying in the painting process. With every study, I get a little bit closer to a flowy style that I can't believe that I made... Never stop lea Read More
