A picture of Kara Hoganson taken in alley just off the Bradley University campus.  We walked down to the alley to see if we could find good backgrounds for portrates and these shutteres seemed to frame her just perfectly.
This picture was also taken in the same alley off campus, the vines really created a contrast with Kara.  I was looking for a portrait in the shade and this spot seemed to fit just perfectly in the middle of the day.  The light reflected up off of the street and took the shadows away from under her chin.
Action shot!  This photo was taken to show movement, the vines moving to the left while she jumped up made the movement look perfect.  The lines on her dress really added to the composition and make it more interesting.
This portrait was taken of Kara in the same alley this time the photo was taken in tungsten which gives it it's bluish hue.  Kara's skin blends in with the background and allows the green plant to pop out in the picture.


Photos taken in the alley behind my house.


Creative Fields