Karl Bembridge's profile

The Royle Family | Illustration Poster

The Royle Family | Illustration Poster
This project that began in late September was based around the idea of designing an illustration-styled poster for the television sitcom The Royle Family, by the way of combining minimalism and simplicity together.​​​​​​​

As you will see, the final outcome consists of six circles signifying (through colour) the characters in their well-known sitting positions, with the casting list also being connected to this coloured signification, alongside the inclusion of a grain texture to push away from a look that would appear too flat and too polished for my own liking.

So, be sure to tell me what you think in the comment section below!

This is a non-commercial project.

*Some imagery has been subject to alteration and editing*

Fonts - Avenir Next
Imagery - Pixabay
Display Mockup - CreativeSource
Display Mockup
Final Outcome
The Royle Family | Illustration Poster

The Royle Family | Illustration Poster

Click on my page to see more work.
