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History of wallpapers
The history of wallpapers is not merely an account of embellished patterns and designs. It is a compelling record of evolution of technological brilliance, shifts in consumption patterns and tastes and their economic implications and much more detailed and fascinating than you might imagine.
These decorative pieces are no more an element of the past. Recently, wallpapers have been making grand debuts in chic lobbies, high-end restaurants, art galleries, fashion magazines and even modern homes.
While purchasing wallpapers, we do not think of its history, origin and progression. You would be amazed to know that it has existed for thousands of years and has a very robust and interesting history of its own.
Just like fashion, wallpapers follow a periodic trend where certain patterns and designs come in and out of style cyclically. In the mid 20th century, wallpapers were out of style and were considered old-fashioned and outdated. In recent years, wallpapers and wallcoverings are making a huge comeback. Abstract patterns, contemporary designs, bohemian styles, watercolor motifs are some of the hottest and in-demand elements in the home décor market.
The first known instances of wall decoration was found in Egyptian and Roman wall paintings and Egyptian papyrus, which is the earliest known paper was invented in 4000 B C.
The earliest known wallpapers to exist date back as early as 200 B.C China. The Chinese craftsmen first used rice paper, on which they painted various trees, birds, flowers, and landscapes and glued them to the walls. When the Chinese were captured by the Middle East, the prisoners spread this knowledge of paper making to their conquerors. This further led the Arabs to substitute rice paper for a higher quality linen paper. And by the 10th century, they had even replaced linen with bamboo and wood creating a finer type of paper.
It was only in the 12th century that the Europeans learnt the art of making paper. They largely made religious prints of Christ, Virgin Mary, Angels etc. The first known of such was from 1418, which was the portrayal of the Virgin Mary which is now located at the Royal Library at Brussels.
The earliest wallpapers that were utilized by the Europeans were in the 13th century and we’re typically prints of religious icons
Before the advent of the advent of the printing press, only the extremely wealthy classes could afford to create hand-painted wallpaper pieces by commissioning artists.
Later, due to the overwhelming demand for these elegant papers, they were produced in larger numbers and brought to Western countries in the 16th century by the Dutch and Portuguese traders.
During this period, wallpapers were favored among the poorer classes in Western Europe, to enhance homes and stores. Before block printing, wallpapers were typically painted by hand with religious symbols and were exhibited in homes of the poorer classes. In the latter part of the century, when block printing was popularized with patterns that were similar to the tapestries of the rich, the middle class also started using wallcoverings.
In the mid 17th century, the wallpaper roll came into existence where single sheets were joined together. This led to the introduction of block printing as well as repeating patterns.
Jean Michel Papillon is considered to be the inventor of wallpapers. He was a French engraver who started to make block designs in matching, repeated patterns in 1675.
During this time flock papers were introduced in France as an attempt to provide an inexpensive wallpaper that compared fairly with the lavish velvet and brocade tapestries.
In the 18th and 19th century, the popularity of wallpapers began to grow and prosper. Different methods of creating wallpapers were present in this period which included roller printing from England, block printing from France, embossed leather work from Japan. Various popular events from that period influenced the patterns and sceneries.
In the 18th century, oriental papers were in demand and western artists began to imitate Chinese artworks and illustrations, which came to be known as Chinoiserie designs.
There was a movement in the 19th century Victorian era to have your walls be divided into three sections called the dado and to have these be complementary to one another.
In the 1840s, machines that were efficient enough to manufacture unlimited rolls of paper completely revolutionized the wallpaper industry. During this time, all classes were utilizing wallpapers with higher and lower end designs and kinds of paper to satisfy all of the people at a reasonable price.

The early 20th century was the Golden Age for wallpapers. Hundreds of millions wallpapers were bought by people of many walks of life. Artists were flamboyant and innovative in their style and designs in the Victorian era and created new and improved artworks to meet the increasing demand.
For a brief period during the mid 20th century, when Modernism came into being, plain surfaces and bare walls became the preferred trend. Plastic resins were also introduced after World War II to make wallpapers more durable and last longer. But these tools proved to be inadequate in making wallpapers popular again.
In the 1960s and 1970s, the sales turnover for wallpaper manufacturers were strong and high and designs were modern and avant-garde. But after the oil crisis of 1973, industry significantly reduced in size and were mostly taken over by multinational companies.
In recent years, wallpapers have rolled back into being fashionable again. Today’s wallpapers are a fresh development to painted walls. Not only can wallcoverings add multifaceted colors to one’s home, but also add a variety of intricate textures and patterns to elevate one’s home by making insipid walls look lively and refined. The designs and patterns that are in style today are a splendid amalgamation of the elements of the past and present. The latest wallpaper trends include modern panoramic murals, contemporary geometric patterns, 3D textures, tropical themes, watercolor paintings, quirky and fun motifs, minimalistic designs etc as well as classic designs like Damasks, Chinoiserie, Paisley, vintage style florals etc. Sustainability has become the forefront of our minds with the recent increased awareness about our limited natural resources, hence materials such as grass cloth, wicker, straw and silk are consciously being used as well as focusing to a greater extent on PVC free solutions.
The wallpaper industry is likely to progressively grow further in the next decade as more and more artists, designers and manufacturers are pushing the envelope to create the most unique designs and wall concepts combining more integrative components for the growing demand while also keeping in mind sustainability and viability.
The accessibility of online wallpapers have made it feasible thousands of homeowners to decorate and enhance their homes in a quick, simple and economic manner. Recent advancements in digital printing, as well as digital and graphic illustration and design, have brought a new generation of artists, producing large scale murals and unique and unexpected designs and ensuring that the rich history of wallpapers lives on.
If you have not tried the versatility of wallcoverings yet, maybe it is time to delve into the rich history of wallpapers to give your home a more sophisticated, colorful and elegant outlook for the future. From elegant classic designs to modern contemporary ones, we have them all at Life N Colors. Be sure to explore our website and allow us to elevate your home.

Chinoiserie design

If you’re an interior designer, home styling enthusiast or home decorator, you must have come across the word Chinoiserie alongside beautiful pictures of hand made paintings on wallpapers, furniture and chinaware. Chinoiserie wallpapers are an epitome of luxury. They come in a plethora of styles and each composition is unique and a piece of art.

The word Chinoiserie comes from the French word “chinois” “Chinese-ish” or “a little Chinese”. It is the Western interpretation of the East Asian and Chinese art and culture with French roots. The Chinoiserie style was highly influenced by China and it made its way to the European countries around 18th century and has been illustrious ever since then. In this period, oriental wallpapers, tapestries and drapes were chosen by the upper class individuals. They were usually combined with oriental porcelain and silks. One of the main reasons why Chinoiserie gained popularity and stayed that way is because Europeans had an interest and fascination with the South Asian countries due to the increase but limited access to their new cultures as a result of trade expansion. This also created a type of mystification of these cultures which piqued more curiosity and enthusiasm. The Chinoiserie design was never traditional to China but we’re created to attract wealthy clients and interior decorators from Europe. Chinoiserie design represented the exchange between the East and the West in that period.
In the 19th century, the Chinoiserie design became less associated with China and was homogenized under a generic definitions of exoticism and orientalism.

Even though many people understand that Chinoiserie is European, it can be considered a global phenomenon.

Chinoiserie wallcoverings are highly detailed and hand-painted designs which comprises of natural motifs and elements. Some of the typical designs included swirling flora and birds which generates a mural like effect. Originally Gouache was used to paint the detailed and elaborate designs on silk materials which was a perfect luxury item for homes. One of the main features of Chinoiserie design is the fact the patterns never repeat, that means each and every part of the wall is completely unique. Some of the main motifs that are used in Chinoiserie design are:
Foo Dogs: Despite their name, foo dogs are actually lions who are stand guards outside temples and palaces and these date back to millennium ago to imperial China. Foo Dogs are typically depicted in pairs (male and female) and these also represent the balance of the yin and yang.

< >Pagodas: Pagodas first originated in India and are now an important aspect of South Asian culture. The spread of Buddhism from India to China also brought with it the culture and architecture along and were later incorporated into the regional style. Nature Scenes: This is the most common type of motif that is used in Chinoiserie designs. Light hearted designs of flowering plants, creepers and shrubs were highly valued. Depictions of gardens with butterflies, birds and some insects were popular in Europe. This classic type of Chinoiserie design is in style in the recent years and adds subtle elegance in luxurious spaces.Dragons: In Chinese mythology, dragons were a symbol of strength and prosperity. The rich preferred the dragon symbol in their clothing, ceramics and interior spaces. Hence this became a popular motif used in Chinoiserie design. 

Chinoiserie wallpapers adds bold colors and patterns to the room and can completely transform and elevate a simple and boring room and make it come alive.
The natural themes in Chinoiserie designs have an effect on the mind and spirit that is almost unmistakable and transporting the inhabitants from the confines of the house into nature.
The abiding magic of Chinoiserie is its ability to invoke feelings of romance and longing for distant lands

< >Select stand out pieces that portray Chinese and South Asian culture in you wish to give a touch of the far East to your home interiors.Play with some dark and unique colors such as maroon, dark crimson, deep teal, sage green and gold. Balance out the space by pairing maximalist Chinoiserie wallpapers with other minimalistic elements. Keep in mind that too much Chinoiserie and heavy elements can make the room look cluttered. You can also add elements like Asian styled lanterns, Chinese style porcelain and ceramics to give an enhanced oriental look.
Over the past few years, Chinoiserie designs are created digitally and are also being mass produced. This has allowed more and more individuals to get their hands on these luxurious wallpapers which once upon a time could be used only by the rich. It has become easier to customize and create many variations in different colors to suit the purpose. Chinoiserie designs can be printed on woven or non woven canvas depending upon one’s preference.
From living room to bedrooms to corridors Chinoiserie wallpapers can be used to decorate any space. These designs can also be used to decorate panels, furniture, cupboards and ceilings. These designs are so versatile and unique they can do wonders to the spaces they are added. Chinoiserie designs can be chosen to elevate a simple into something that exudes opulence.
Looking to add some of the said exquisite pieces to your home? With Life N Colors to help you with every wallpaper doubt, you can choose from a wide range of Chinoiserie wallpapers to meet your every expectation. You can also speak to the experts and customize one to perfectly suit your home.

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